Just numerous photos stitched together with sound to provide content. Subscribe to Ambitious Nature on YouTube to stay up to date with the latest content!

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Awesome Random Videos

All the randomness of owning a camera. Just random beautiful videos and clips! Sometimes, random moments are the most memorable!

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Short Films

Short films have a special place in our hearts. They are a little different then the rest. The slow-motions, colors, music…This is where the magic happens.

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It’s always a pleasure working with other companies. We love collaborating and bringing other’s visions to life! Also, it’s great when we get a random spark of inspiration and create a masterpiece.


Music Videos

Music…one of the few things that connects us all together. We love working with artist who provide stunning visuals and awesome vibes! Did you know we have a Sound Cloud? There’s no music released…yet…


Know you worth! Take pride in who you are. We were ALL designed beautifully in our own way. We ALL have our own unique talents and gifts. So, grab the popcorn and watch some of the talent our world has to offer! Feel free to contact us and we’ll work with you to create your very own Self-Promo video!



Everyone has a story. Everyone deserves to be heard. Please, take some time and listen to these amazing people.